Loch an Eilein
This is a small series from a misty autumn sunrise at Loch an Eilein in the Cairngorms. I had gone with the hope of some nice colour behind the castle but it wasn't too be and instead it was shrouded in dense mist.
F11 | 1/13s
F9 | 1/13s
F8 | 0.4s
F2.8 | 1/25s
So I found myself working with the conditions and that also meant venturing away from the waters edge to shoot the woodland areas, trying to capture some of the atmosphere that morning.
There are a number of photographers I follow that capture woodland scenes superbly but it's not something I have spent much, if any, time trying. Given the conditions it presented a good opportunity to do so and the outcome is that there is definitely room for improvement.
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All images | Nikon D610 | Sigma 35m F1.4 | ISO 200